Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Great Tweets of Theology

A year or so ago, my favorite web comic PHD COMICS did a hilarious bit called "Great Tweets of Science".  The comic was filled with famous figures from the history of science tweeting their discoveries.  I was so inspired that some fellow graduate students and I put together our own "Great Tweets of Theology".  Enjoy!

@SKierkegaard: “Having 1st Hegel class 2day.  Should B awesome!”
@FDESchleiermacher: “Just dumped girlfriend.  Having feeling of absolute independence.”
@RudyBultmann: “It is impossible to use this rockin iPhone and to believe in the NT world of spirits and miracles.”
@BartEhrman: “Your last texts were so various and contradictory that I’ve decided you don’t exist.”
@PopePius9: "H8 those modernist guys. So going medieval on their asses."
@PopeJohn23: "Just got elected Pope.  Looking forward to a really long pontificate! Habemus papam FTW!"
@Marcion: Edessa 1, Rome 0! Dollar dog night at the Coliseum! Totally non-kosher!
@UrbanDos: Gave great speech. Hope it wasn't over the top. I <3 Jerusalem!
@SiennaCat: Eucharist for dinner again? Where's my steak???? LOL!
@RNiebuhr: Test drove a new Ford today. Seems like the kind of company I can support!
@PaulTillich: "No women will talk to me anymore. I can't figure out why."
@MServetus: “Trinity=lame.  w00t!”
@JohnCalvin: “I h8 that guy.”
@SKierkegaard: "RT-- new book on Repitition should be a good one."

@KatyvonBora: Martin on pot again! Muttering about devils and poop. Too late to renew vows?
@AlexofAlex:  "Class was dull today, except for when one of my deacons made heretical comments. Expect this to blow over in a couple of days."
@Arius:  "Can't wait to finally rub it in Alex's face about my reinstatement.  Stomach sure does hurt tho."
@PAbelard:  "Heloise's uncle is a f@#$in' S.O.B.!"
@StAugustine: "Had a pear 4 lunch. Didn't sit well."
@JohnCalvin: “Not going to protest to get William out of jail. H8 those “Free Will” protest signs.”
@KBarth: “**This tweet written by Charlotte von Kirschbaum**
@J_o_Norwich: “Went 2 a steakhouse. Asked how I wanted my food cooked. I told them that all things shall be well.”
@Origen: “Bored at home with nothing to play with but a brick. What to do... what to do...”
@CatherineSienna: “Went to a bris this morning. Got a new wedding ring. Win!”
@HUvBalthasar: "Looking forward to watching the Cosby show for some good ole fashioned Theo drama!"  


  1. Some of those were hilarious. Others were so disturbing that I'm not sure I should read your blog ever again!

  2. @StBonaventure: "140 is not divisible by three. #Fail"

  3. @Rae: A theology tweet can only be as disturbing as the theologian her/himself!

    @Brother Charles: That was the best!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @JHNewman: "#NewTwitter is an organic development from Twitter's principles. To be deep in microblogging is to cease to be #NewTwitter protester."

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